Napa Medical Research Foundation’s Program for Vineyard Workers

Napa Medical Research Foundation pic

A former Belvedere resident with decades of experience as an analyst and investor, Michael T. Jackson now focuses on supporting nonprofit organizations in areas such as human rights, health care, and women’s issues. Recently, Michael T. Jackson founded the Napa Medical Research Foundation (NMRF).

Created to provide less expensive medical care, the NMRF seeks innovation in treatment procedures ranging from ultrasound technologies to regenerative medicine. The foundation’s community programs include the Vineyard Worker Health Program (VWHP), which recognizes the challenging physical demands of working in the wine industry.

Those working in vineyards often develop injuries from repetitive motions in their back or limbs. Chronic conditions result from these injuries when they remain untreated. The VWHP exists to prevent chronic pain from negatively impacting individuals’ lives and decreasing production for their employers.

Once patients have been screened for eligibility, they receive physicians’ evaluations with ultrasound technology to identify the precise nature and location of their injuries. The next step includes regenerative health treatment with stem cells or platelets from the patients’ own bodies, allowing them to heal naturally without requiring surgery.

For more information about this program and the work of the NMRF, visit

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